The Fourth Olympiad London 1908 (extracts)

PROGRAMME, OF RULES, AND CONDITIONS COMPETITION. Each country competing shall be allow d to 'ntcr not more than 12 competitors for ev nts 1- 19 inclusi\'e, and 22, 23, and 24. No. 20. 3 teams. Nos. 21 and 25. 1 team each. The competition shall be held und r the Laws and Rules of the Amat ur Athl tic Association of England, who shall appoint all the Official. and be responsible for the ondu t of each competition. A tarter shall be appoint d, also two or more J udg s and a Reft ree, for each race and competition. Judges and Referees so appointed shall have sol control over the omp titor. after th start, with power to disqualify, and th ir decision shall be final. Every omp tition shall h confined to Amateur . 'J'h following is th Amat ur definition f th · .'\mateur Athl ·tic Association : "An Amateur is on wh has n r r ompeted for a money priz , or monetary onsideration, or for any declared wager or stak d b t; who has never engaged in, assisted in, or taught any athletic xercise as a means of pecuniary gain; and who has nev r taken part in any competition with anyone who is not an .\mateur.' ENTRIES OF FOREIGN ATHLETES. " II ntri 'S will be made through the Gov ming As o iation., or, where 'o\'erning Asso iation. do not xi. t, by Arnatcur lubs, through the lympic Committee of ach country, \\110 will be r spon ibl to th, British lympic C un il for the competence of such ~\mateur Clubs to guarantee that the competitors ent red by them are amateurs within th conditions laid <lown in the British lympic Coun il's Reg·.1lations for th. several sporl 1 a· ~ t forth in the Programme of the 01 •mpiad." CC2