The Fourth Olympiad London 1908 (extracts)

GENERAL RULES. Every competitor shall wear a sleeved jersey and loose drawers to the knee , and any competitor shall be excluded unless properly attired. A copy of thi · Rule shall be placed in a con picuous place in every dressing room used by the competitors. Any competitor wilfully jostling or running across or obstructing another competitor so as to impede his progress shall forfeit his right to be in the competition, and shall not be awarded any position or prize tl11t he would otherwise have been entitled to. Every competitor shall be supplied with and wear on back and front during competition a distinctive number corresponding to his numb r in the programme. STATIONS. In level races the cornpetitors shall ballot for ~heir respective stations at the start and each competitor shall take the station assigned to him by the ballot. No attendant shall accompany any competitor on the mark or in the race, nor shall any comp~titor be allowed, without the permission 8f the Referee or Judges, to receive assistan e or refreshment from anyone during the progress of a race, hut this rul does not apply to the Marathon Rnce (40 kilometres). STARTING. All races shall be start d by the report of a pistol, and a start shall only be made to the actual report. All questions as to the starting of a race shall be 111 the absolute discretion of the St:utcr, whose d cision shall Le final. The 'tarter shall place the competitors on their respective marks in their respective stations, and shall for this purpose have the assistance of such marksmen as may be neces ary. No competitor shall touch the ground 111 front of his mark with any part of his body. PROTESTS. Objections and Protests shall be m::tde in a cord:rnce with sections 13 and 14 of the General Regulations, which are as follows :- " 13. Objections to the qualifications of a competitor must be made in writing to the ecretary of the British lympic ounc1l at the ea.rlie. t moment practicnble. No such objection shall be entertained nfter the lups of on nlrnc1ar month from th. distril ution f the pri1,es1 Ev ry