The Fourth Olympiad London 1908 (extracts)

(1·219 metres) and its weight not less than sixteen pounds (7·258 kilos). The competitor may assume any position he chooses, and use either one or both hands. All throws shall be made from a circle seven feet ( 2 • 134 metres) in diameter. Each competitor shall be allowed three throws, and the best thre competitors of th' first trial shall be allowed three more throws each. The farthest throw of all shall win, All distances shall be measured from the circumference of the circle to the first pitch of the hammer along a line drawn from that pitch to the centre of the circle. Foul throws and letting go of th hammer in an attempt shall count as trial thr ws, PUTTING THE WEIGHT. The Weight shall be put from the shoulder with one hand only, and without follow from a sevm fed (2·134 metres) circl . The weight shall be of iron and spherical, and shall w igh sixteen pounds (7·258 kilos). All puts shall be measured from tbe circurnfer nee of the circle to the first pitch of the weight along a lin dra,, n from that pitch to the centre of the circle. Each competitor shall be nllowed three puts, and th be::,t three competitors of the first trial shall be allowed thr e more puts ench. The farthest put of all shall wjn. In Throwing the Hamm r arnl i)nttinp; the Wright crossing the scratch shn.11 count a - a try. HURDLE RACE, 1 IO ~rETRE.• The Hurdle Race sh;ill be over ten flights of hurdles on a level grass course of r Io metres (120 yard. ) strai 0 ht. The hurdles shall stand 3ft. 6in. (1 ·06 metre) from the ground, and shall have level top rails, and shall be placed 9·144 m 'tres ( ro yards) apart. The first flight of hurdle shall be 13 ·7 r6 metr s ( r 5 yard:) from scrat h. li.ach competitor shall have his own line of hurdl s, and shall keep to that lin throughout tbt. race. 400 ::\IETRE.. Th' hurdles shall stand ·914 metre (3 fr t) from th ground, with straight top h:ns, and cmnpetitor shall keep his own flight of hurdles throughout. There shall he ro flirrhts of hurdles. The first hurdl shall be placed 45 m trcs (49·2 r 3 yards) frorn the scratch mark, and th remaining hurdl : shall be 35 metres (38·2 77 yards) apart, and the distance from the last hurdl' t the winning po. t shall be 40 metres (43·745 yards).