The Fourth Olympiad London 1908 (extracts)

410 have about the centre of gravjty a grip formed by a binding of whipcord without knots; it shall not be provided with a thong, and the shaft shall not be notched. Every competitor must throw with a javelin provided by the ( ommittec. (/J) The throwing shall take place from behind a scratch line. The thrower may place his foot or feet upon the line, but if eithrr foot passes the line entirely before the javelin fir t strikes the ground th throw is invalid. (c) No throw shall be count d jn which the point of the javelin does not strike the ground before any part of the shaft. (d) It is open to the omp titors to throw with either hand and with or without a run. (e) The throw is measured from th point at which th point of the javelin first strikes the ground perpendicularly to th scratch line, or the cratch line produced. In the Free Style the manner of holding the jay Jin is left to the absolute discretion of each competitor. In the S(de i11 which the jave!iJ1 is held iJ1 th!' middle, the jav Jin must b held b · the grip, and no other method of holding is admi 'Sible. MARATHON RACE. I. The Marathon race of 40 kilometres will be run on a course marked out on public roads by the Amateur Athletic Association and will finish on the running track in the , tadium, where the la.t } mile will l> run (r lap=536 m tres). z. J•,ach competitor must send with his entry a mcdi al certificate of fitness to take part in the race, and must furth r undergo a m ·dical examination previous to the start by the medical offi er or officers appoint d by the British Olympic Council. 3. A omp titor must at one r ·tir from tb rac if ordered to do so by a memb 'r of the medical staff appointed by th British Olympic Council to patrol the course. 4. No competitor either at th start or during the progr ss of the race may take or rec iv any drug. Th ' breach of this rul will operat as an absolute disqualification. 5. The station of each competitor at the start will be determined by lot, and in the v nt of competitors l> ing too numerous t b start ·d on a singl line, th y will be start d on two or mor, lin 'S.