The Fourth Olympiad London 1908 (extracts)

4II 6. .Each competitor shall be allowed two attendants, who shall wear on the arm the same distinctive number as Lhe competitor. 7. The attendants shall during the progress of the race remain behind the competitor they arc attending or be sufficiently in front to prevent them giving pacing assistance. Non-observance of this rule will disqualify the competitor. 8. Attendants will nol be permitted al the slarl of the contest, but rnust proceed to an appointe~ place about 5 miles (8 kilometres) from the start and join their competitors as they pass. Upon arrival at the 'tadium the attendants must leave the competitors and enter at a different gate. No attendant will be allowed on the track. 9. Any competitor whose attendant or attendants obstruct another competitor will be disqualified. 10. Ea h competitor must provide his own attendants and required refreshments. OTE. The measuretnent of the Truck is taken 12 inches from the inside edge. The direction of running will be left han 1 inside.