The Modern Method of Training for Running, Walking, Rowing & Boxing

vi PUEFACE. tending with those who, from too great sell- relianceon their own powers,or fromignorance, should enter the lists without having in some measure undergone the requisite preparation. The Author ofthe present manual has described the old andmodern systems of training. And he here desires modestly to state that his own continued and almost unvaried success from year to year lie in a great measure attributes to the gradual improvement in, and the strict adherenceto, the systemof training he has here commendovl CON T E N T S . UNTEODTJCTION PAGE 9 ADVICE TO TEJLTNEHS 16 OLD SYSTEM OE TRAINING 21 UEW RULES OP TRAINING 26 TIME AND DURATION OE TRAINING 35 TRAINING PRACTICE, PAIR WALKING, ETC. ... 37 TRAINING EOR ROWING, ETC 44 TRAINING WITH REGAUD TO PUGILISM 43 TREATMENT OF TIIE EEET, SINEWS, ETC 52 BATES.—HOT, COLD, ETC 57 TUIRST, MEDICINE, ETC 60