The Modern Method of Training for Running, Walking, Rowing & Boxing

GEORGE KENT, Athletic Clothing Manufacturer 149, FENCHURCH STREET, LONDON. Football, Yachting, Boating, Cricketing, Boxing, Athletic, Bicycling, Swimming, and Quoit Clubs Outfitted. Avery large Stock of the following Articles always on hand;— Running and Walking Vests. Drawers, Shoes, Toe Socks, Hand Corks, Sponges, Horse Hair Gloves, Cash's and Turkish Towels, &c. Boating, Yachting, and Cricketing Zephyr Vests, Sweaters, Jerseys, Woollen Mufflers, Blue Serge and White FlannelShirts, Trousers, and Beefing Jackets, Canvas Shoes, Straw Hats, Caps, Club Ribbons, Sashes, &c. Bicycling Caps, Jerseys, Hose, Knickerbockers, Jackets? and Ribbons. Football Jerseys, Hose, Caps, Balls, Knickerbockers, &;c. Boxing Gloves, Dumb Bells, Quoits, Indian Clubs, Single Sticks, &:c. Swimming Costumes and Drawers; Illustrated Catalogues forwarded immediately on application. n PEDESTB I AN I SM. OHAPTEE L I N T BO D U C T I 0 N . P EDESTEIANISM, fromits beingthe basis and principal agent in securinga tliorough and perfect training to all who mayhave, from choice or necessity,to undergoa great amount of phj^sical exertion, may be considered the chief feature in the preparation of menfor all contests in which great strength, speed, and windmay be required. Fromthis point ofview the science of walking will be treated in the present work; for whether a man may have entered in an engagement to run, walk, jump, swim,row,or box,no training can be thoroughly accomplisheduntil the athlete has undergone a certain amount of exerciseon foot, and reduced his superfluousweight to such an extent that he can follow up his peculiar forte with fair chance of improvement, or at least so that he may not have to stop short fromsheer want of wind or strength. Pedestrianism,which has before been stated