The Olympic Games and the Duke of Westminster's Appeal

30 THE OLYMPIC GAMES. from a. dislike of the whole notion of the Olympic Ga.mes and an attachment to the old Arcadian village-gr~Q. era of British spo;rt, choose to indulge in more or less diffused and impi:actical criticism o1 the ,Committee's plans · make very hard work for those who have the raising of the subscription in 1hand and .are bent on seeing it carried to a successful conclusion. It remains only for fall those who wish to see British credit maintained in ,&,n international contest to proyide the sine;ws of \va:r for the purpose of orga.nizipg viptory. The App eal on behalf .of the Duke of Westmin– ster's Fund is for £100,000, of which on 18t h about £9,500 had been subscribed. '· it . . ):-·. ·~