The Olympic Games and the Duke of Westminster's Appeal

34 THE OLYMPIC GAMES. ing per.m.ission from loca.l authorities for open– ~ir wrestllng,on ,Fublic Rooreation Grounds. (b) By co'dp'era.ting with existing athletic organ– izations ·and clubs having established 1head– qu1>rters, i.e., athletic, cross-country, boxing, 1aJ1d ,gymnastic clubs, providing neeess,ru:y ap– plia.nces and arranging for instruction of honorary nature. ·By ,this ,means it is hoped that men wol)}d •be attracted >to the spoi:t and ·Iater avail theroselvt>s of the organized system of pro– .fessional instructio,n. .By enlisting the co– operation of Na,zy, and Army Officers towards tl:).e encouragement of wrestling throughout the Services, leaµil).g up to the institution of regimental, inter-regimental, and Service Cl:)llmpionships, and ,by .bringing before the Universities, ,Bub)ic .Schools, •Services, and other ,educational ,establishments .the desirability of encouraging,a.nd,promoting internal wrestling. 'Dhe ,essential fe&tures of the scheme will include .(a) 1the,c;>rganiza~ion, a.s certain,defined centres, of a ,sys~m .of professional instr,uction ,in wrestling •and physical training under competent ,paid instructors. ,.l'he management to be in the h1uids of a properly ,constituted lo.ea.I body a()ting under the control of tlie Amateur Wrestling assoc;iation. The holding ,in these centres of , ~ rioaic No;11ices and Annual ,County .or .District I Cbampionshjp Coll),petitions. '(b) The ,procµr4\g .greater ,facilities for the practice .of :t;he ~eort by assistin,g nee4,y clubs, arranging for -practice ,at public .grounds, l)nd a.t ,the head– q~ters :of .otlier athletic o,ganiz.ations, and the .Uiasemiriation of J,iterature 'upon 'physical tra.irting, lil'_gieµe, aµd .wriistling. -,P~ijcular atte11,tion '.to be,pa.i1Uo;tbe following:– .',(a) To,oonQentr,l\te ev.ei;y effort and attention-upon "·~C~tjih,as,Catoh!C1m " ' :wrestlirig. ,i(b )'Tue 'formation M special centres with skilled. ,~ers. (c) ~Eliminating c.oqipetitions to ascertain the·most ~mising· -mlent: . . ! "1r The provision' of· ~ial .facilities for .trairting ,and•pra.ctice;for wihners'of.these .competitiOne. '(e) lThat·a.n endeavour be made:to •.arouse ·interest ,. •. wrestling in' Spotla.nd. . '.(fl!1T& ;anpoin~ent ·of ·!" ·. s~J;>6rviser 'to ,give ·eftebt,'to'.tbe'detiills•proposed'by the·scheme. attention to correct training nuder .super– vision a.t 1 prepara.tory·centres; (b) Ability to travel to Berlin at the appointed time. TRAINING CENTRES.-Arrangements would be for the use of Gymnasium H!l.lls fitted .with the necessary apparatus and conveniently situated in the several centres to enable those nominated in or near any particular district to pe.riodica.lly .practise together. Combined practices would .also be held at intervals .which all .would be expected to attend, thus ennbling those ,responsible to particularly note the ~rqgress .made, recommend desh'.able changes, and, m, closely follow ·up the whole of the scheme. PROOR~ill 01' vVORK.-It is desirable that ,preliminary .tr.aining be commenced without delay. Immediately on.receipt of definite information from the German Gymnastic Committee a suitable series of exercises will be arranged, alterations and additions being from t ime to time accorclli\g to the capabilities of the members. This will continue up to a rea..<;1onable time preceding the actual month fixed for the Games, when a decided programme will have been arrived at which will be strictly adhered to. · 0RGANIZATION.- Any scheme of preparation necessitates the appointment of a. thoroughly com– petent number of officials who will accept entire ·responsibility and carry out in an enthusiastic and wnole-hea.rted ma.uner the work from start to 'finish. The list of officials will be :- (l) Honorary Organizer; (2) Honorary Secretary and Treasurer ; (3) Honorary Assistant Secretaries; (4) Honorary Sectional Leaders; 1 5) Chief Coach ; (6) District Coaches; and .such other officials .as may be consiilered .necessary. ,GQMPETITIONS.-,The ,a.nnual competition between England, Ireland, Scotla.nq., and Wales, ,taking the •form of,a '1:ea.m ,Contest between -the four,countries, revived, thus enabling theipicked-,gymnasts, 'Bl'Y ,six or ·eight -from ·e, .country, •to ,be -brought 1together rin keen 'COII!,petition, with officials present 1to caTefully \note .the •,whole of ,the work, thereby rllit'fording;exceptiona.l·o~portunities .for,the.discovery _of ~fresh ntalent. Special badges 1to ;be a.warded. Fina11ci&lrrea.eQns·alop.e ;have prevented,these:contests ,Jrom ·to.lµug ,pl.1¥!e , duriI}.g :,the ,:P!Wlt three !years. ,Einancia.J.,help might,also·be,extended to . competitors entering -fQr the Open ,Individual Cha.llen,ge Cup ·G.y;mnastic, ----9--– cof,increasiI}.g the entry·and,act•as a lever to-keep1the 1men,in·consta.nt,practice. CUA>Y B:ERD . SHOOTING -:A:SSOCMTION. ·1. ' F.or (the '.discovr ry a.njl encouragement of 'fresh– _ta.len,t, a ma.tte.r 'to ·be undertaken as promptly as possible, !it would 'be desira.ble to institute ~'l. system ,whereby the m'orlthly ,perce,n~gi, averages·of.the'best .sli'ooters at tbe'.groqnds of ·the affiliated ·clubs should :be .codified 'for yenods in year, ~y of three months. 'ShoQtei'e who during .this ;period qualify with a 'specified minimum percentage of kills should ,then be eligible to sli,oot a.nnua.µy in a mo.tch; pre– 'ferably in Lon.lion. .In that way the best ehots· from :the v.arious cluJ:,e coultl'·be ·broJ1,ght ·togeth'er ·t>I!ce a ,rear, 'SQ 'that their form COWi:l I be ·. gauged ·with .o.oc~y. ;2. 'llii$g thus ·broUJd>t ·togeth:er the ·beet ;repre– sehti.tives '.from .t~ olµ6s ·in the .vatious.Jl&'LB'df' the ·~unt~, a·.scheme 'ehojild be set 'on foot to. provide.