Track Athletics in Detail (extract)
140 APPENDIX has no authority, after heats have been duly drawn and pub lished in a programme, to transfer a contestant from one heat to another. When in any but the final heat of a race a claim of foul or interference is made, he shall have thepower to disqualify the competitor who was at fault, if he considers the foulintentional, or due to culpable carelessness, and shall also havethe powerto allow thehindered competitor to start in the ext round ofheats, just as if he had been placed in his trial. When in a final heat a claimof foul or interference is made, he shall have the power to disqualify the competitor who was at fault, ifhe considers the foul intentional, or due to culpable care lessness, andhe shall also have the power to ofdera new race between such of the competitorsas he thinks entitled to such a privilege. If, during any athleticcontest under the rules ofthe Amateur Athletic Union, a competitor shall conduct himself in a manner unbecoming a gentleman, or offensive to the officials,spectators, or competitors, the referee shall have the power to disqualify him from further competition at themeeting. RU L E V . —T H E J UDG E S A T F I N I S H shall determine the order of finishing of contestants and shall arrange among themselves as to noting the winner, 2d, 3d, 4th, etc., as the case may require. Their decision in this respect shallbe without appeal, andin case ofdisagreement a majority shall govern. RU L E V I . —T H E F I E L D J UDG E S shall make an accurate measurement, and keep a tally of all com petitors in the high and broad jumps, thepole vault,the weight competitions, and the tug of war. They shall act as judges of these events, andtheir decisions shall likewisebe without appeal. In case of disagreement a ma jority shall govern. RU L E V I L—T H E T I ME - K E E P E R S shall bethree innumber. They shall individually time^ll events where timerecord is required, and etermine among tnemselves and announce the officialtime ofeach heat orrace. Should two of the threewatches mark the sametime and the
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