Track Athletics in Detail (extract)

APPENDIX 145 Foul puts and letting go the shotin making anattempt shall be counted as trial puts withoutresult. A board similar to theone in front may be used at the back of the circle. The order of competing and number oftrials shallbe the same as forthe RunningBroad Jump. Shots shall be furnished by the Games Committee. Any contestant may use his private shot, if correct inweight andshape; in which case the other contestants must alsobe allowed to useit if they wish. RU L E XX I V . —T HROW I NG T H E HAMME R The head and handle may be of any size,shape, andmaterial, provided that thelength ofthe complete implement shall not be more thanfour feetand its weight not less than sixteen pounds. The competitormay assume any position he chooses, and use either one or both hands. All throws shall be made from acircle sevenfeet in diameter, and this circle shall be divided into twohalves bya line drawn through its centre. A fair throw shall be one in which no part of the person of the competitor touches the groundoutside the circle,and the com­ petitor leaves the circle by its rear half. A throw shallbe foul if any part ofthe personof the competitor touch the ground t­ side thefront halfof the circle before the throwis measured. Foul throws and letting go of the hammer in an attempt shall count as trial throws. The measurement of each throw shall be from the nearest mark made by the fall of the headof the hammerto the circumference of the circle, on a line from the mark made by the head of the hammer to the centre of the circle. The number of trials andmethods of decision shall be the same as in the Running Broad Jump. Hammers shall be furnished by the Games Committee. Any contestant may use his private hammer, if correct in weight and length ;in which casethe other contestants must alsobe allowed to useit if they wish, ic