Track Athletics in Detail (extract)
THE SPRINTS 11 and to develop the muscles of the calves and thighs. A long, loose jog will lengthen the stride. When preparing for a contest, lay off altogether the day immediately pre ceding it, and don't run your distance against time for three or four days p r e v i o u s l y . Run only 50 yards at those times if you are going into the 100, and try 150 if you intend entering the 220. In a 220 race you will find that you can make a stronger finish if J. V. CRUM S STRIDE liradiey Stcvcnion Crum Wtfert START OK THK IOO-YARD RACK, INTERNATIONAL GAMES, lhg5 you ease up a trifle for five or ten yards at the 200-yard mark—although this is merely compara-
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