Track Athletics in Detail (extract)
1 2 TRACK ATHLETICS IN DETAIL lively speaking, for this race is a dash from start to finish. It will be better not to experiment with this suggestion until you have become a pretty good judge of pace. The proper costume for a runner is a light jer sey shirt with no sleeves, and china-silk running- trousers that barely reach to the knees. If china- silk is unavailable, cambric or cotton will do very well. Corks may be purchased of any dealer in sporting goods. Working shoes should be made of horse-hide, with no heels, and six spikes in the toes. The athlete should also have a pair of calf skin shoes of the lightest possible make for use in competition only. While at work it is well to wear light socks, as these make the shoe fit more snugly; but in a race wear "pushers"; these are made of chamois, and cover the toes from the in step downward.
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