Track Athletics in Detail (extract)
T H E M I L E R U N T HE mile run is about the only long-distance event practised by American school and college athletes. In England the three-mile race is popu lar, and is one of the standard events of the inter- university field meetings, but ithas not as yet been adopted in this country. At the International games of 1895 it was on the card, and Conneff won for the New York Athletic Club. Since then there has been some talk of placing the event on the Intercollegiate schedule, but the proposition to do so was defeated. Training for the mile run may be begun at al most any time of the year, but it is presumed in all these short sketches that training will be start ed in the winter-time and developed in the spring. Preliminary work in long-distance running is of the simplest kind, consisting merely of walking and running at a slow jog four or five miles every day until th^ spring season has fairly set in. I-or this kind of work the best costume to wear are knickerbockers, heavy shoes and stockings, aflan nel shirt, and a sweater. This walking and run-
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