Track Athletics in Detail (extract)

78 TRACK ATHLETICS IN DETAIL ting accustomed to the turn, but as soon as he has got the knack of the twist he will greatly prefer it over the old method. The sixth picture shows the moment just pre­ vious to the final heave when the hammer is to be let go. This should not be done with a jerk, but the handle should be allowed to slip from the hands at the proper moment, otherwise any jerk­ ing will destroy the momentum obtained. The last picture of the series, on page 77, shows the attitude of the thrower after the hammer has left his hands, the weight of his body being thrown backward, so as to prevent him from stepping out of the circle. The hammer is thrown from a restricted circle, in the United States, in order to make the event more scientific. A strong man with very poor form might make an excellent throw sometime if he were allowed to follow it and to go where he liked in his efforts. The circle prevents this go- as-you-please method, and makes it necessary for athletes to acquire form ; it also gives a definite place to measure from, so that there can be no dis­ pute as to the exact distance for the measurer to lay off. In England, collegiate amateur athletes throw from a 30-foot circle. This gives them a great advantage, for the more turns you can take before throwing, the greater momentum you can get into your throw. The Englishmen use a 3-foot-6-inch