Why? The Science of Athletics

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS F. R. Webster . Expressions of Athletes Time Lag Starting Gate and Mechanical Pace-Maker. The Line Cannot Lie A Formal Exercise Interpreted The Building-up Process Creation of Technique Analysis of Action Sequence Two Methods of Building Style . Camera Studies and Coaching Methods The Camera in Coaching . Use of the Head in Running Balance and Body Line Head Control in High Jumping Transposition of Body Balance . The Evolution of High Jumping The Discus Thrower Steers with his Head Footwork, Follow-Through and Finish Pulling and Pushing Values Methods of Economizing Effort Explosive Force Velocity of Projection Study in Essential Angles Class Instruction Enduring Athletes Pole Vaulters, Ideal and Real Dr. Tait McKenzie's "The Modern Ideal" Dr. Tait McKenzie's Sculptural Moments Typically Great Milers Negro Jumpers . How Negroes Hold Their Form Coloured Momentum v. Endurance Types Frontispiece FACING PAGE 48 177 192 1 93 196 1 97 201 208 215 216 218 224 225 228 240 241 247 250 263 266 270 271 28g 304 309 316 321 325 332 336 357 364