Why? The Science of Athletics

HUMAN MECHANISM so frequently result in the tearing of muscles and the breaking of tendons. It is obvious, however, that some people can place a greater strain upon their muscles than others are able to do, without sustaining injury. This is simply due to the fact that the men who do not "break down", either in training or competition, have increased suitably • ..,.:the efficiency of their muscles. How is this done ? From what has been said already, we are able to define muscular efficiency as the ratio of work done to the amount of energy employed. The process of improving our,,,muscular efficiency is what is termed "training". Changes in Muscles that take place during Training When an athlete goes into training two definite changes take place in relation to his muscles. Firstly, there is provable improvement in the co-ordination of muscles employed in particular activities ; and secondly, there is measurable development in muscle-substance. The muscles become larger and stronger and often attain a longer amplitude. Development is due to the increased thickness of the individual muscle fibres. Thirdly, there is a substantial increase in the number of red blood corpuscles. What is said here, as regards training, has relation only to the muscles ; training performs numerous other beneficial functions, which are discussed elsewhere in this book. Muscular development during training must be care– fully watched, with due regard to the purpose in view. That is why the tables given in Athletic Training for Men and Boys (Webster and Heys, John F. Shaw & Co. Ltd., 5/- net) were not published until a good many years of careful experiment had been devoted to their compilation. If the training is such that the bulk of the muscle increases only moderately, then its powers of endurance will be improved. If the developmental work is such that the muscle attains extreme bulk, then its powers of endur– ance will decrease in direct proportion to its greater capacity for sudden, explosive effort. It is for this reason