Why? The Science of Athletics

> I 11 11 I I2 WHY?-THE SCIENCE OF ATHLETICS himself full justice in competition if he is afflicted with a low nervous potential. And a low nervous potential, as often as not, is due to lack of sufficient attention having been given to the development of the central nervous system. One often hears reference made to the fine vitality of some athlete, but in this connection vitality is only another name for a good nervous potential. The under– standing of the term is important, since it takes a long time to produce a r..eal champion, simply because his proper nervous potential can be stored up but slowly. It is, in fact, no exaggeration to say that the development of an athlete's nervous system should be taken in hand when he is still a child and, as such, is readily susceptible to influence. During a fairly long period of preliminary training a high degree of physical development and endurance may be built up, while a reserve of nervous energy is also being created. This process will give the inan in training a fine, strong constitution and plent>T of self-confidence, while special exercises, general endurance work and the develbp– ment of the muscular system as a whole will all contri– bute to the creation of the higl- reserve of nervous energy which is so important in athk~.Ics. In considering this question of the training of the nervous system, the fact should be constantly born in mind that this system is divided into two parts. We have a central nervous system and also a sympathetic nervous system. The central nervous system comes Two Divi- under the control of a person's own will, by - sions of the reason of the muscles receiving their orders Nervous through the motor nerves. It is this system System which controls the skeletal, or locomotor, muscles. The athlete in preparing these muscles for athletic activity, through the medium of training, develops a new reserve of nervous power, provided the exercises he does are of the kind which will enhance the