Why? The Science of Athletics

132 WHY?-THE SCIENCE OF ATHLETICS their extreme limit in the preliminary stretching exercises gives the athlete that sense of freedom, ease and self confidence which comes from the knowledge that he has something in reserve, will be well within himself in competition, and has the ability to go farther than is likely to be required of him. I wonder how often the reader has, as I have done, seen a shot-putter who omitted to limber-up before his event produce a far better put after the competition than he did during the con!est ? This was not due to nervous– ness or loss of form, but simply because he needed about eight or ten puts to lessen the viscosity of his muscles and to increase the elasticity of his tendons, whereas, of course, even the finalists in such a contest are allowed only six attempts. Incidentally Jack Torrance, U.S.A., made his world's record of 57 ft. I in. with his fifth put of six efforts. Our investigations, so far, have shown us Formal the need for warming the muscles ~nd Exercises · increasing the elasticity of the tendons and Increase · the manner in which these things may be Co-ordination brought about. It now remains for us to consider the all-important . question of co– <=>rdination, for no matter how efficiently a man's muscles and tendons may be working through proper limbering– up, nor hQw nicely he has adjusted his heart act~on, <diminated C0 2 from his system and increased the depth of his tidal breathing, he yet will not function at full efficiency in competition unless he can co-ordinate his muscular efforts in the proper manner and proportions. The apparent ease with which a great athlete breaks a record is often a matter of some mystery both to himself, by reason of the small amount of effort he seems to have employed, and to the spectators, who have not realized the magnitude of the feat accomplished because of the apparently effortless grace of the record-breaker. The foundation for his success, however, has been establish€d by the athlete during a long period of accurate and painstaking practice, which has worn smooth by much