Why? The Science of Athletics

142 WHY?-THE SCIENCE OF ATHLETICS seem, build up the alkaline content of the blood for the rapid neutralization of lactic acid in the muscle-tissue, thus decreasing respiratory elimination and accounting for the rapidity of change which brings on second wind. Having dealt with the athlete's very real Stitch friend, second wind, it may not be amiss, at this stage, to say a word about that bug– bear of the runner, "stitch" . This is such a mysterious affliction that I fancy it has not even been given a scientific name. The affliction, however, has been attributed to numerous causes. Some trainers hold that it is an incurable condition p eculiar to certain individual ath– letes, irrespective of the type of training they undergo. Other authorities believe that stitch is a form of indigestion brought on by eating a meal too short a time before taking part in a race. In this case the trouble yvould be due to jarring setting up a form of diaphragmatic cramp, accompanied by some engorgement of the liver and spleen. In the case, however, of those careful runners who, knowing themselves to be susceptiQ.le to the affliction, refrain from taking any sort of food for a considerable period prior to competition and yet get stitch just the same, it seems highly probable that the capsule of th~ spleen becomes overstretched by its engorgement with blood. If, however, stitch occurs on the Fight side of the body, then it is equal-ly plausible to assume that liver-disturbance is the cause of the trouble. It has been said that the only cure for ..stitch is to stop running, but I doubt if such advice is absolutely sound. If, as has been suggested, jarring induces a form of cramp involving the tendons of the diaphragm, then surely some revision of the runner's style with a view to the production of greater elasticity of action, together with some proper exercises to give greater springiness to his feet, may provide a form of remedial insurance which should be well worth trying.