Why? The Science of Athletics

150 WHY?-THE SCIENCE OF ATHLETICS Lubrication of Muscles So many athletes imagine that the muscles are lubricated by rubbing oil, or some other patent preparation, into the muscle-substance through the pores of the skin. I have, indeed, heard it stated with obvious belief that certain natural oils, or special preparations, have been known to be so penetrative that when rubbed into into the quadriceps extensor muscles on the front of the thigh these wonderful "oils" have gone clean through the limb and have come out through the biceps at the back of the thigh ! It may be that the- pores absorb a little of the embro– cation, just as they become clogged by the use of powder ; and it is true to say that, medicinally, certain ' liniments have a stimulating effect, but evaporation is what takes place mainly. In reality, it is the movement of muscle– masses and isolated muscles by the skilled masseur that matters ; all that the oils, embrocations and powder do is to obviate any . distress that might be caused by the friction of his hands. These so-called athletes' embro– cations have no penetrative properties, ·although certain heat-engendering properties they possess may produce a certain amount of stimulation. While we are on the subject of massage may I just add that treatment should always, and .only, be given by a skilled and qualified masseur. The ''rubber" who pounds, pulls and pinches the muscles, without knowing what he is doing, or being able to explain the principles of manipulation, is likely to do a great deal of harm by inducing a slack and toneless condition in the muscles, which must be fatal to the athlete's chances of success. Bad massage, in fact, is not above suspicion as one of the fruitful causes of staleness. - Our joints themselves are lubricated by their own automatic systems, and I think what is really meant when people speak of lubricating the muscles in the pro– cess of limbering-up is that the self-massage of the informal movements, the str~tching exercises and the formal