Why? The Science of Athletics

(I) FIELD EVENTS Throwing a Jumping Shot Discus Javelin Hammer Long Jump I HighJurop Pole Vault I Hop, Step & Jump A. I I' 6·2" 29' 7'5" 32' I I ·7'' 6' B·s" 9' Io·5" 3' o·8" 4' s·6" 21' 10·2" B. 55' 7'IN I74' 4'9" 250' I ·9" I94' I0·9" 26' Io·5" 6' 9·7'' I4' 9'2" I 53' 8·5" c. 57' I'"O" I75' 9·8" 25I ' 6·9" I95' s ·g" 27' 4 '4" 6' I I •4" I5' o·i' 54' 7'5" Note.-A represents performances scoring the lowest total of I point. B , , , highest ,, I 150 pointl> according to the Finnish Table I932. C represents the performances which would have to be done in all field events to equal the score of I I93 points which is the value of the best existing world's record of 57ft. I in. ip. the Shot Put by J . Torrance, U.S.A:, I934· · · (2) TRACK EVENTS I IOO 400 Boo I500 5000 IO,OOO I IO 400 Metres Metres Metres Metre,s Metres Metres Metres Metres Hurdles Hurdles Secs. Secs. M. Secs. M. Secs. M. Secs. ' M. Secs. Secs. M. Secs. D. q ·o5 a 3 ·6I 3 I8·6 6 58·6 26 20 '9 55 10•7 29'78 I'47'04 E. IO·IO 45'96 I 47'2 3 43'9 I4 07• I 29 25 '7 I3·86 50'34 F. IO ' I4 46•I9 I 47 '7 3 44'8 I4 IO·o 29 3I ·8 I3'94 50·62 - ---- ~ ::r:: I:"' trJ :::1 0 >-j trJ m >-j m > z tJ ~ trJ > m c::: ~ ~ trJ z >-j m 0 >'%j > tJ:j ..... I:"' Note.- D. represe.ntl> the lowest performance for which I point is awarded by the Finnish Table. ~ E. represents the top score of I I50 pointl> under ,the Table I932. F. representl> the times in all rtUing eventl> corresponding to the best performance yet achieved, i.e. the 400 metres hurdles record of 50·62 secs. by Glenn Hardin, U .S.A., I934· O'l ......