Why? The Science of Athletics

168 WHY?-THE SCIENCE OF ATHLETICS It will be noticed that all the track events are still below the I, I 50 points maximum set by the Finnish Table, whereas in the field events this total has been considerably exceeded both in the shot put and javelin throw. The world's records obtaining in I 934 are given here– under together with the points value of each according to the Finnish Scoring Table. WORLD'S RECORDS OBTAINING IN 1934 GIVEN IN ORDER OF MERIT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FINNISH SYSTEM OF AWARDING POINTS FOR PERFORMANCES. - /11 Year Points Event Holder Made Value - -- Shot Put 57' x" J. Torrance, U.S.A. 1934 I 193 Javelin 251' 6 xfxo" M. J arvinen, Finland 1934 II9I 400M. Hurds. 50·6 secs G. Hardin, U.S.A. 1934 Ir34 High Jump 6' 9 3/xo" W. Marty, U.S.A. r934 1131 Discus 171' rr 4/5" H. Andersson, Sweden r934 Ir22 400M. Flat 46 2/5 sec. B. Eastman, U.S.A. 1934 1I r5 soooM , r4m. 17 secs. L. Lehtinen, Finland 1932 II06 Hammer 189' 6t'' P. Ryan, U.S.A. 19r3 Ir03 2ooM. Flat 20 3/5 secs. R. Metcalfe, U .S.A. r933 1099 Long Jump 26' 2t'' C. Nambu,Japan 1931 1084 Pole Vault 14' 4~" W. Graber, U.S.A. 1932 1083 I 10M. Hurds. 14 1/5 secs. P. Beard, U.S.A. 1934 1078 15ooM. Flat 3m 48 4/5 secs. W.R.Bonthron,U.S.A. 1934 1073 rooM. Flat 10 3/ro secs. R. Metcalfe, U.S.A. 1933 1071 xo,oooM. Flat 30ill 6 1/5 secs. P. Nurmi, Finland 1924 ro69 BooM. Flat Im 49 2/5 secs. B. Eastman, U.S.A. 1934 xo65 Hop, Step, Jump 51' rot" Harada, Japan r934 1059