Why? The Science of Athletics

RECORDS AND RECORD BREAKING is the surest road to breaking records, are of the first importance. Every mile runner of the top class to-day, for example, aspires to run a mile in 4 mins. returning exactly 6o secs. for each 440 yards lap, and that time will undoubtedly be returned when a first-class runner discovers a means of making the third lap constant with the other three. On the other hand it has been stated definitely that Glenn, Cunningham, U.S.A. ; only S1J.Cceeded in lowering the world 's I mile record to 4 mins. 6.8 secs. because he was trained to run the second half-mile in faster time than the initial half-mile. This new theory may yet be the means of producing the much discussed four-minutes mile. . And that brings me to the question of starting, time– keeping and judging, which we will deal with in the next chapter.