Why? The Science of Athletics

ELIMINATION OF HUMAN ERROR minutes. The inner dial rotates at one revolution per second and is divided into one hundred divisions ; the middle dial, with sixty divisions, makes one revolution per minute; and the outer dial, also with sixty divisions, rotates at one revolution per hour. By the use of this camera the time of each other contestant can be determined as easily as the time of the winner. In this connection it is interesting to note that the use of the "Kirby Two-Eyed Camera" (see Fig. 20, Plate 4) enabled the judges to place D. 0. Finlay, Great Britain, third instead of fourth as per their "eye" decision, in the 1932 Olympic 1Io-Metres Hurdles Final at Los Angeles, while the same use of the camera at the First European Championships, 1934, led the judges to reverse their decision in favour of Berger, of Holland, after they had given the decision of the 100-metres race at Milan in favour of Borchmeyer, Germany. There is now a further innovation, which is almost as important and which certainly constitutes a great aid to record breaking. I refer to the new sports clock made in England by Thomas Mercer, Ltd., of St. Albans, Herts, and in America by Western Union. Inspiring Effect of Sports Clock We in England are very slow to adopt innovations, even when, as in the case of the Cantabrian sports equipment, it is quite obvious that, apart from any considerations of science, the use of a new invention would add greatly to the pleasure of those who pay to witness sports meetings and upon whose patronage the promoters are bound to depend for that finance which allows them to continue holding meetings. The Americans, upon the other hand, seem to be of that enviable frame of mind that is willing to try almost anything once. There is, however, no need for a discussion upon racial characteristics and policies in sport; the fact remains that sports timing clocks have been invented and have come to stay. The Mercer Electrical Race Timing Clock was first used at the Northolt Pony Track on