Why? The Science of Athletics

SKILL AND PHYSICAL CLEVERNESS 197 athlete's subconscious mind a recollection of the sensations he experiences in the performance of the exercise and which he must always experience when he is throwing the javelin in the correct manner. Fig. 22 provides an inter– esting study of Jarvinen putting the exercise into practice for a perfect throw. Apart from that, the constant practice of such a series of movements wears smooth and widens the paths of the nerve impulses passing from brain to muscles and also eliminates conflicting impulses and the contraction of antagonistic muscles which otherwise block the proper movements . by their interference. There is yet another purpose in the practice of such general form exercises as that portrayed ; in that, when the exercise is performed against resistance, the muscles are taught to come into action in the proper sequence and with the right proportions of strength and timing. _ To take a simple analogy, the pianist practises his five-finger exercises and scales as part of the building up process which enables him to render intricate musical compositions efficiently later on. The pianist does not, however, leave the matter then~ ; for, even when he has every right to consider himself an accomplished musician, he still continues to practise scales and exercises, because he knows that he must keep himself "muscularly and mentally fit" in the musical sense. So it is with the athlete. The man who will not carry on with his general exercises and his form exercises when he has attained proficiency will not continue to maintain it. That is why so many men, having reached a peak, suddenly show a falling off. Creation of Specialized Technique Exercise training alone, however, is not enough to stabilize the actual technique of a particular event. There must be practice of the event itself, no matter whether it be throwing, jumping, running, shot-putting, hurdling or pole vaulting. Here, again, the rea.son why such a vast number of athletes fail to develop their full potentiality is because