Why? The Science of Athletics

SKILL AND PHYSICAL CLEVERNESS rgg During the two strides just mentioned, Arm and Fig. 23, Plate 6, the javelin falls slowly back, Foot Action and during the cross step (Fig. 24, Plate 6) the arm is loosely extended and this position must be maintained during the next step (Fig. 25, Plate 6). Note that the arm must be directly behind the body and not straying to either side, i.e. the javelin shaft and arm must make a right angle with the scratch line. Note also that the fourth stride (Fig. 25, Plate 6) must be sufficiently long to enable the right leg to get a strong drive (Fig. 26, Plate 6), which is impossible if the feet are too close together. It is important that the short cross-step (Fig. 24, Plate 6) should be made on the left side of the line perpendicular to the throwing, or scratch, line. This enables the chest to be carried practically square to the front and yet allows the javelin to be kept behind the body and at right angles to the scratch line. It should be noted that in actual competition the shaft may move from over a line perpendicular to the scratch line, provided the point of the javelin is al;ways kept pointed in the direction of the throw. In coaching and in practice, however, it is as well to aim at the ideal of always keeping the javelin over the same perpendicular line (Fig. 23, A, B, & C, Flate 6). During the throw there must be accelera- The Throw tion. The chest, which during the cross-step (Fig. 24, Plate 6) was turned to the right from its frontal position, now begins to be twisted square to the scratch line (Fig. 26, Plate 6) . It must be fully square to the front when the left foot comes to the ground after the cross-step. The arm now begins its movement and comes forward, elbow leading. When the hand is above the shoulder and is about level with the head a strong drive is made from the rear leg and an upward push is made with the throwing arm. Then, almost simultaneously, a drive is made from the left leg (Fig. 27, Plate 6) under the javelin and on to the right leg, the