Why? The Science of Athletics

SUCCESS OR FAILURE 217 that of his chest. This would have been shown quite plainly had the camera been held at bar level when the picture was taken. The camera-man, of course, crouched down purely and simply to get a picture which would create an impression of the jumper clearing a phenomenal height, but the photographer's purpose in this case was frustrated by the height indicator attached to one of the standards. If, however, the reader covers over the indicator he will see that the figure of Dr. R. S. Woods, standing to the left of the standard, makes Gordon's jump appear stupendous. The picture comprising Fig. 45, Plate 11, shows F. R. Webster clearing I2 ft. 3 ins. when he won the Pole Vault in the match between the English Amateur Athletic Association and Cambridge University A.C. at Fenner's on June 5th, 1934. It was taken by a Press photographer standing on the top of a very high pair of steps and gives an absolutely just presentation of the vaulter's form and also depicts the actual margin by which he cleared the bar. Pictures like the one of my son are most useful to the coach ; and I rnay add in that con.nection that, in looking after his training I have, for the past two or three years derived great help from the use of a Pathe Cine camera, although we little realized the real value of this medium until I obtained a 14-ft. step-ladder and took my pictures from the top of that. Pictures taken at bar-Jevel present an entirely different aspect of the athlete's action, when he is vaulting at I 2 ft., to that depicted by pictures obtained when the operator is standing on the' ground. This is on account of parallax. · Even more dangerous than pictures taken at the wrong angle of elevation are "posed" pictures. This applies particularly to pictures of shot putters, discus, javelin and hammer throwers. ThG moment a man has won a big event a host of camera-men swarm round him, beseeching him to pose for his picture ; as oft~n as not one of their number, having no knowledge of athletics himself, poses