Why? The Science of Athletics

266 WHY?-THE SCIENCE OF ATHLETICS is passing under it, provided that the co-ordination and inter-play of the nervous and muscular systems is of a sufficiently high order. In this connection one thinks at once of the analogy of a rope passing over a pulley, for there, at certain stages of the passage of the rope over the pulley, the centre of gravity quite obviously comes below the object gassed over. ·\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I ..,.,.,,...,..,..,,......,,...,..,..,~.-rr.,..,.,~~rrr7"T?-rn'77"rrr"T77'"T77'rn.,...,.;;~rn'7.l :~. ·:::·: :':·.-·,-}-,:-·;:·-:::.:.:;: ·:: FIG. 92 In the case of the high jumper, the Centre of new method invented by German scieNtists Gravity Passes after close research to make high ju.mping Under Bar conform to this "passage of the centre of ~ gravity beneath an object that the body passes over" is plainly shown in Fig. 91, Plate 20, which depicts the New Scissors Jump, or "Scherensprung". The following line-figure sketch, Fig. 92, portrays the pole vault action, the centre of gravity being indicated by small circles and its path by dotted lines, while the position of the cross-bar is indicated by a small triangle. Further useful and interesting mathematical calcula– tions can be made in relation to other events. The long