Why? The Science of Athletics

290 WHY?-THE SCIENCE OF ATHLETICS shaft battling against wind-resistance, and the weapon finally descending far too steeply. Finally, there is the question of direction, for the rule governing the contest ordains that all throws shall be measured perpendicularly to the scratch line or the scratch line produced. In this connection, the keeping of the javelin above the line of direction during its alteration from the carry to the throwing position, while the four final strides are being made, is important ; but the whole secret of making a straight throw lies in the ability of the thrower to square his chest to the front, by a quick twist of the shoulders, before his arm strikes. (See Fig. 108, Plate 23.) There is one more point. In order that the centre of gravity of the weapon may furnish the path of its parabola of flight, it is necessary that the javelin should be lifted . off the palm and be released when the hand is directly above the shoulder. If the release comes later the javelin will be dragged down, and may also "fly 'to one side or the other of the true line of direction, which is perpendicular to the scratch line from behind which throwing takes place.