Why? The Science of Athletics

) 292 WHY?-THE SCIENCE OF ATHLETICS from the maximum result, the machine (i.e. the athlete) must always be swinging like a pendulum, and must, until the desired result is obtained, allow equilibrium, or inertia, to have only the least possible time existence. Thus we have effort passing through equilibrium to rest and back again with no pause at equilibrium. From this it will be seen that continuity of effort must be as nearly as possible absolute. To this end we find timing for a climax, plus eonfidence, plus co-ordination of all muscles contracting simultaneously in action, and at the same moment all other sets of muscles, in opposition to those contracting, attaining complete relaxation as they go out of action pro tem, contributing to the main purpose which we have in mind. All of this will mean, when perfected (sic) an optimum result for any effort produced. Moreover, the athlete having acquire_d, by training and concentration of mind, this optimum result, the next process p9stu!ates a gradual increase up to maximum effort, the optimum having now passed into the realm of automatism. It follows, therefore, that athletic training should be like school work. One must begin with the A B C and develop a power of learning from expert example what is the exact movement-technique required, and then, by concentration of mind, adopting and habituating these movements slowly, laboriously and with mental effort at first, like a baby learning to walk ; which, incidentally, is the first co-ordinated athletic movement of the human body. As time goes on, labour and mental effort gradually diminish with repetition and later comes automatism. In this connection, it may be said that training equals physical and mental fitness plus automatism in technique. This is also the stage which distinguishes the adult from the juvenile athlete. Something has been said already regarding the human levers. Class I and II levers give the greatest mechanical advantage, since they develop great "power and quick