Why? The Science of Athletics

MECHANICS AND LEVERAGE 295 duced results to prove that the initial time lag in starting is reduced more when the athlete in the crouch position has his back parallel to the ground than if his buttocks are higher or lower than the position stated. Further than that, it was proved that the shortening of the first stride out of the holes to 2 ft. ro ins. gave better results than when a longer stride was used, and that each subsequent stride out of the holes should be lengthened progressively by -approximately 3 I/2 ins. Arising out of that again came the revelation that there is perfect correlation between DIAGRAM A reaction time from the starting holes and the total time for the sprint. Diagram A shows an apparatus which was used to record the pressure exerted by a sprinter in starting from a stationary position. In this case, the left foot was for– ward and the athlete averaged a force of 147 lbs. in the maximum push from his left foot and 250 lbs. with his right, the right foot being 14 ins. behind the starting line and the left g ins. · As I have already suggested, the main problem con– fronting the sprinter is that of developing acceleration ?f t~e body from rest for the purpose of overcoming mertla. In this connection, it may be noted that the