Why? The Science of Athletics

34 WHY?-THE SCIENCE OF ATHLETICS sleep, through, I suppose, drawing the blood away from · the brain, and there were no ill after-effects. Such a "cure", however, should be subject to medical advice. Relaxation and Rest The question of relaxation and rest is intimately connect~d with the study of the sleep-problem. We have seen already that the consensus of expert opinion recommends an average of nine hours sleep per night for the active athlete in training. At least one authority·, who has turned out some real champions, advocates, an extra hour beyond the legitimate allowance upon the two or three mornings ·preceding any important sports meeting. This is particularly applicable to nervous, highly strung athletes and men who are obliged to travel long distances b~fore a contest. Upon the benefit, or the reverse, of day-time sleep, opinion is very sharply. divided. Hjertberg says, frankly, that sleeping in the daytime spoils the night's rest, that a healthy man, in good condition, does not need to sleep during the day, and that if he does experience such a desire it is probably due to over-eating or athletic stale– ness. Lowe and Porritt hold the theory that a daily hour for relaxation, but not necessarily for sleep, is important, especially upon the day of competition,. My own opinion is that, provided the individual does not sleep heavily and, better still, does not sleep at all, an hour's rest during the day, with -the legs up and both mind and muscles relaxed, is a most excellent thing. Nor am I alone in this belief, since at certain progressive public schools the custom has recently been instituted of sending the boys to lie down for an hour after lunch,. even on an ordinary working day. So far, consideration of this question has been on general lines in relation to each day throughout the training period. To the day of competition quite a different set of circumstances may well appertain. Again, the decision as to rest and relaxation must be based upon the temperament of the individual athlete.