Why? The Science of Athletics

FOOD, FADS AND FACTS 3 I I sunshine, many of them wash from top to toe daily, especially those living on the coast or beside a river ; they go to sleep at dusk and wake at daybreak, and enjoy the food natural experience has taught them to eat as the best suited to their condition§ of life. Palm oil, for example, as Vitamin A ; Vitamin B is found_in country rice, but if you give them trade rice, from which this vitamin has been taken, they soon deteriorate ; the bananas, of which .they are fond, contain 20 per cent of glucose. Vitamin C comes from chicken, dog, paupau (a particu– larly fine aid to digestion which looks like a green melon), bananas, coconuts and limes. The sun gives them Vita– min D ; while Vitamin E is found in the maize which is roasted as new grain. · Since Army diet, and the benefits thereof, Army Diet have been mentioned, let us see upon what ~ that diet is based. It is in reality the outcome of experiments carried out more than a quarter of a century ago with A.S.P.T. instructors submitting themselves as subjects under medical supervision. In order that the dietary finally decided upon may be the better understood, it should be explained what are our chief sources of nourishment. They consist of proteins, i.e. meat, fish, eggs, cheese, beans, peas, etc. ; carbo– hydrates, or starchy foods, such as bread, cereals, bananas, potatoes, oatmeal, and so on ; fats, salts and water. The proteins supply energy and replace waste of tissue; they are therefore the actual body.cbuilders, and that explains why meat has for so long remained the staple part of the athlete's diet, for the meat proteins serve his purpose better than do the proteins derived from vege– table sources. On the other hand, too much stress must not be laid upon the proteins in building up an athlete's dietary, or an undue strain will be placed upon the liver and the kidneys. The carbohydrates neither build tissue nor replace its wastage; they do, however, supply energy, and are