Why? The Science of Athletics

312 WHY?-THE SCIENCE OF ATHLETICS especially valuable to the athlete because they are both easily absorbed and readily assimilated, and so supply him with the greatest amount of energy in the shortest space of time, and something has been said already about the outstanding subject in this group-glucose sugar-which takes effect almost within a space of minutes. The fats, such as butter, milk and cream, are also energizers, but, being slower of absorption and assimilation, are better for storing up a reserve of energy than for _supplying it upon quick demand as do the carbohydrates in general and sugar in particular. Vitamins and salts are important, but in smaller quantities. Water is a vital essential, but should not be taken with meals, otherwise there is undue dilution of the gastric juices, nor should it be drunk in large quantities in one or a series of quick draughts. This leads to ab– dominal distension, and pressure on the thoracic organs deranges the systems of circulation and respiration. None the less, the athlete loses great quantities of liquid through his skin and his lungs when he takes violent exercise, and his organism will · become depressed and refuse to function properly if the wastage of fluid is not made good. Finally, water has a beneficial effect in flushing the system. As to the quantities actually decided upon as the results of Army experiments, they wer~ as follows :– I 7 ozs. pure starch sugar, 4 ozs. pure protein, 3 I/2 ozs. pure oil or fat. These amounts, however, applied to pure substances, but most foods contain water, and, in addition, one or more of each other in varying quantities ; for instance, the 4 ozs. ofprotein might be I/2 lb. butcher's meat, but that would have some fat, and similarly the starch food might be some sort of grain, having its own percentage of oil and protein. Where the vitamins are concerned, it may be added that a person drinking a pint of fresh milk a day would get all the vitamins that are needed.