Why? The Science of Athletics

3 I 8 WHY?-THE SCIENCE OF ATHLETICS amount of fat that is present. The percentage of protein and also carbohydrate must then be multiplied by 4 · I and the fat content by g· 3 to ascertain the number of calories contained in IOO parts of the particular food-stuff in question. Condiments, sauces, and other forms of Appetizers spices and seasonings supply neither body- building material nor heat and energy, so far as we are concerned ; but in certain circumstances they serve a useful purpose on the training table, since they sometimes render palatable a food for which the athlete does not particularly care, and thus aid digestion. Athletes vary considerably both in their likes and dislikes, and in the quantity of food which suits them best. These are matters for the grave consideration of the coach in drawing up a diet table for men in training. A mixed diet is not only best, it is necessary ; firstly, because it will keep the athletes better contented ; secondly, because no one kind of food contains all the things that are needed in the proper proportions ; while thirdly, it is by designing a mixed diet, with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables included, that we ensure a proper supply of the vital vitamins to the individual. There is this about it, too, · that it is very necessary to give men a diet they like. Not only does this plan keep them contented, but the mere anticipation of pleasant food predisposes the digestion to activity, or else why does a clog's mouth water at the sight of a meaty bone and the glutton S!Jlack his lips with satisfaction when he smells good cooking? Is Training Diet Expen– sive? The cost of feeding athletes satisfactorily is often brought into question, and here a fallacy frequently entraps the ignorant. It is a fact, I am convinced, that certain shop– keepers should be better known as psy– chologists than as honest men, for they have a practice of charging one price to one customer and one to another. Mrs. X. wants the best at the lowest cost-and gets it;