Why? The Science of Athletics

FOOD, FADS AND FACTS nourishing and digestible, but must contain sugar, some starchy food, and preferably eggs as well. · Eggs are of the greatest service to the Eggs coach charged with the care and training of athletes. They are rich in protein and provide a meat substitute in concentrated form, which is invaluable for such purposes as giving a man a light meal a couple of hours prior to competition. At other times, however, eggs, on account of their deficiency in starch, should be combined with a farinaceous food, to supply bulk. Eggs have the same constituents as meat, in a more concentrated form, and although not quite so rich in protein are richer in fat. This fat is found in the yolk in a high state of emulsification, making it easily digestible, and the yolk has further good characteristics in its content of calcium salts, iron, phosphorus and Vitamin D. The w1:llte of an egg comprises principally water and egg albumen in solution. Athletes should be given only new-laid eggs, because these are the most nourishing and the most readily digested. Here I am all in favour of one principle enun– ciated by old-time trainers, that of giving the athlete a couple of raw eggs whipped up, either alone or with milk. Raw eggs are the most easily digested of all, other– wise the degree of digestibility depends upon the cooking. Hard-boiled eggs should not be given to athletes. And in planning a dietary, the coach should remember that eggs, on account of their lime salts content, have the opposite effect to, say, brown bread and fruit, which have a mildly laxative effect. A drink that I find excellent for athletes Beverages in training is the juice of a couple of fresh lemons squeezed into a tumbler of water and then saturated with a tablespoonful, or more, of Dextrosol (glucose sugar). It is a great thirst-quencher, and has also a quick energizing effect. Such beverages as tea, coffee and cocoa present a some– what difficult problem where athletes are concerned. Tea