Why? The Science of Athletics

326 WHY?-THE SCIENCE OF ATHLETICS contains theine, tannin and volatile oil ; coffee comprises caffeine, tannin and, again, volatile oil ; while cocoa is made up of theo-bromide, an astringent not unlike tannin, fat and starch. Tea and coffee are both mild stimulants, by reason of the alkaloids represented by the theine and the caffeine. These constituents tend to lessen the acid– absorbing power of foods ; cocoa, on the other hand, increases this power. Tannin is an astringent, less powerful in coffee than in tea, but if tea is allowed to "stand" too long the tannin becomes tannic acid, which interferes with digestion and irritates the mucous lining of the stomach ; it tends also to harden the coagulated albumen of meat. For that reason coaches should never allow athletes to indulge in "high tea". Tea and coffee in moderation serve a useful purpose. Taken in excess /"they are harmful to the athlete. For a bed-time drink I prefer to give athletes Ovaltine and milk to cocoa. Cocoa certainly possesses some nutritive value, but, I think, not much, and is also a very mild stimulant. Conclusions and some Suggested Schemes The conclusion one arrives at, from more than a quarter of a century of personal experience and experiment, combined with the views of dieticians and first-class athletic coaches who have mad~ a close study of the subject, is that athletes in ·training should primarily be given the food they like, provided their choice of menu makes it possible to furnish the proper nourishment to fulfil the three main requirements of dietary, and that the diet therefore be correct in com– position and sufficient in quantity. None the less, I am going to quote suggestions that have been made by leading authorities in this matter. Dr. James J. Walsh, Chief of the Medical Staff, Metro– politan A.A.U. (U.S.A.), says in The Amateur Athlete for April 1934 : Drink water freely throughout the day. Get eight hours sleep nightly in a well-ventilated room. Weigh yourself frequently. If you gain too much, cut