Why? The Science of Athletics

WHY?-THE SCIENCE OF ATHLETICS Rye, whole wheat or corn-meal bread and butter. Fresh fruit with custard, or pudding with fruit sauce. Cocoa, milk or butter-milk. Dinner. Any soup. 2 slices rare roast beef or any lean meat. Baked, mashed or boiled potatoes. Any fresh green vegetable. _ Any salad ; lettuce with tomato, cold slaw, mixed vegetables or fruit. Bread and butter. Any dessert. Cocoa, milk or butter-milk. He further suggests the suitability of the following : Lunch Vegetables :-Lettuce, beets, peas, asparagus, string beans, cabbage, spinach, onions, cauliflower, potato, egg plant, mush– rooms, turnips, lima beans, carrots, corn. Dinner Vegetables :-Spinach, celery, Brussels sprouts, string beans, broccoli, kale, turnip tops, beet tops, cabbage, Swiss chard, collards, dandelion greens, peppers. Fruit Desserts :-Raisins, figs, prunes, apricots, rhubarb, pine– apple, peaches, bananas (ripe), grape-fruit, grapes, melon. Ernie Hjertberg, the great Swedish-American coach, as representing Scandinavian opinion, gives the following food-stuffs as advantageous for training : Flesh :-Roast beef; steaked meats, although not too often ; beef steak with onions, but without sharp sauces ; lamb, mutton, fowl and fish (not salt). Vegetables :-Spinach, salads, asparagus, but without oil or butter ; potatoes, baked or qoiled ; beans, peas and tomatoes. Fruit :-Oranges in moderation, boiled or roasted apples ; all cooked fruit such as pears, figs, etc. ; fresh fruit, particularly apples. Bread :-Hot bread and soft bread must be avoided. The