Why? The Science of Athletics

334 WHY?-THE SCIENCE OF ATHLETICS in twenty .minutes. The coach was crazy. He sent out, got half a pound of candy, the juice of two oranges, and gave it to him immediately before he was to run his race. He ran his relay and won it and didn't even sit down after the race and, said he felt fine ." Dr. Richards also stated that he and his partner, in a racing shell I 7 ins. wide and I /8 in. thick, had rowed from Jacksonville to Norfolk, a distance of approximately I,ooo miles, covering th'e first 8oo_ miles in three weeks, and then had been twice shipwrecked outside Hatteras and taken two weeks to cover the final open stretch. During that last effort they consumed 30 lbs. of candy and did not put on weight. "We have lived," said Dr. Richards, "for literally days · at a time on nothing but candy. We find that instead of eating two meals a day '""and calling it square, to row for an hour and stop and eat several pieces of hard candy containing nothing but sugar and a little fruit syrup will give you energy to go ahead and carry on for another hour. It doesn't spoil your appetite the slightest bit when you want to come ashore at night. I can eat my head off at night just the same." To which testimony I may perhaps add my own word that I have tried Dextrosol with equally good results where athletes and Rugby football players are concerned.