Why? The Science of Athletics

ATHLETIC PSYCHOLOGY 35 1 In the initial stage the upward curve of the graph is great, then come a series of short upward jumps, before the sticking point-which is also the danger point-is reached. From his sticking point the shot putter will very likely begin to go down in performance and his retrogression may be characterized by some loss of form. He gets depressed and feels like packing the whole thing up, and this is just the point at which the coach must step in with an explanation that the drop is merely temporary and is a perfectly natural phenomenon in the practice of any athletic skill. If he can tide the athlete over this bad period, help him to get his "field events second wind", as it were, the graph will again show a sudden and distinct upwards tendency of curve. The above are cases which call for more Staleness rest than would be given in the ordinary incidence of training. They represent simple cases of encouraging the athlete to persevere through periods when he seems to be making no improvement, or even to be actuaHy going back. Care. must be taken, however, not to confuse normal retardation of progress with the symptoms of approaching -staleness. It happens sometimes that the athlete who has made a:n auspicious start slowly ce~ses to improve and then begins losing ground. "Yes," you may say, "but that is exactly what you have just been talking about ; where's the difference? " The difference lies in other symptoms, some of which have been discussed earlier in this work and others which. I shall deaJ with in this chapter. It is one thing if a man appears to go back a little as the natural reaction to doing a bigger performanc€ than he has previously achieved ; but if his muscles do not seem at fault, if they fail to respond readily to his will and he feels tired, ther~ you have definite danger signals and a warning to rest him, for if you try to maintain, or to increase, his training his condition will certainly become worse. Other danger signals are loss of weight, sleep and