Why? The Science of Athletics

ATHLETIC PSYCHOLOGY 359 reconditions tired muscles, and perhaps the protein in the food we have eaten does its main task of repairing tissue wastage. Later, there is probably a return of blood to the brain which produces that partial uncon– trolled c_onsciousness in which w~ dream dreams. In some people automatic response to stimulation occurs, and then they, maybe, "walk in their sleep". Athletes who are "nervy" sometimes "talk in their sleep" on the eve of a competition. All these symptoms the coach should know and understand. If a man is restless, or does not sleep well, it is a good thing to give him a warm drink-Ovaltine and milk is as good as any– thing I know of-and something light to eat when he is actually in bed. If the sleep is likely to be disturbed, a thermos flask of something warm to dtink may be left on the bedside table, or it may be sufficient to provide a box of jujubes. It often helps to get a man to sleep again if he can lay his hand on something to pop into his mouth and suck. A secret of success in turning out good Divert Interest teams is the secret of keeping the boys for Relaxation h.appy, as every good coach knows ; but there are but few men with dear old Sam Mussabini's wealth of anecdote, Alec Nelson's inimitable · aptitud~ for keeping the party bright, or J aakkoMikkola's inimitable cheeriness and contagious enthusiasm. None the less, a break in the routine and some means of divert– ing the athlete's interest are likely to prove invaluable assets during any period of intensive training ; and, strange as this may seem, there are times, too, when it pays to divert the athlete's interest even when he is actually competing. Henry J. Coldbath, coach at the famous Hill School for boys in America, tells a good story of why he is known as the "Mince Pie Coach", because, knowing the fondness of Sabin Carr, afterwards world's pole vault record holder, for that form of delicacy, _he said to him one day when he was right on form, "Sabin, no boy in the school