Why? The Science of Athletics

366 WHY?-THE SCIENCE OF ATHLETICS century into the Age of Athletic Beauty. In future, the ancient Greeks were to set a standard of physical fitness so fine that no nation since has equalled it. From the vase paintings of the sixth century, as well as from certain statues, we have gathered an impression of the Greek athletes as mature and bearded men of powerful physique. The red painted vases of the early fifth century, how– ever, show a new type, for the keynote of matured strength has disappeared, and in its place is a lovely youth, strong in athletic beauty. The mating of strength and beauty produced the youthful Theseus. The age of expert trainers and of the gymnasium to link up art and athletics was now at hand, and the age which produced the greatest beauty in human form not unnaturally gave birth also to the greatest of the Greek sculptors. In the fifth century, Phidias, the ma§ter, was rivalled by Myron, who gave the world the incomparable "Discobolos". From the gymnasium artists drew an inspiration for symmetry, simplicity and serenity which has never been surpassed in sculpture, although I am of those who hold that Dr. Tait McKenzie, the modern "Sculptor of Youth", bids fair to rival the ancient masters with his work. It is from the ancient statues that we can see so clearly – how entirely the Greeks aimed at and achieved similarity of proportion and well-balanced muscular development in their manhood by the practice of the five Olympic exer– cises in running, jumping, wrestling, and javelin and discus throwing. These events provided a quintet of exercises well calculated to develop an athletic body made supple in every part. There seems, too, something almost "architectural" in the evolution of the Greek athlete. Upon the strong columns of the legs rested the archi– trave of the pelvis, supporting the superstructure of the body. The athlete's chest was spacious for the purposes of distance running ; the abdominal muscles were strong, but never prominent, and, always, the lower corset of