Why? The Science of Athletics

386 WHY?-THE SCIENCE OF ATHLETiCS deduction is made that the negro's physical reactions are keener and his reflexes quicker. It is suggested, con– versely, that the negro has not yet had time to acquire the stamina and establish the controlled form which is neces– sary to success in distance running. What really remains, it is thought, from the negro's former state of savagery are the spring, the ability to gather himself quickly for a brief effort and a certain explosive force which man must have if he would preserve his life in his uncivilized state. Negro Anatomy and Running Doctor R. G. Stroud, Fourth Vice– President of the Southern Pacific Association, U.S.A., has made an interesting contribution to the study of this subject. He first became interested in the question when Howard Drew was at the height of his fame. In the course of his researches Dr. Stroud has not only considered the running of both white men and black but has also made consider– able researches into the realm of women's athletics. Doctor Stroud has reached the conclusion that women who attain any degree of pre-eminence as sprinters show the same general "pitch" of thigh to body as do men, although the female characteristics of chest and arms are maintained. The reason the majority of women run awkwardly is because of the hanging angle of the thigh on the pelvic bone and because the female pelvic bones have a greater outward twist than that shown by men. Actual dissection of negroes has shown that they have a more forward pitch of the pelvic bones and consequently a more forward hang of the thigh. It is this pitch which not only makes the negro a great sprinter but also gives him an advantage in accuracy to the half of an inch in quick hitting and countering as a boxer. Doctor Stroud has calculated that the pitch referred to gives the negro an advantage of four inches in each sprinting stride over the white runner, the muscle lift of the anterior thigh group being more easily accomplished, in the case of the negro, because the ball and socket joint arrangement of the hip is tilted slightly more forward.