Why? The Science of Athletics

CHAPTER VI HUMAN MECHANISM (CONTINUED) The Skeleton ; Primary purpose of Skeleton and Muscles– Bones act as Levers-Muscles in Relation to Activity– Glycogen is Muscle J(uel-Lactic Acid is Muscle Poison– Function of Oxygen-Changes in Muscles during Training -Factors Governing Speed of Muscular Movements- Primary Purpose of Skeleton and Muscles Involuntary Muscles. WE are over prone to think of the bones which comprise the human skeleton as being the framework upon which the rest of our body is built up. This, however, must be a wrong conclusion when the circumstances come to be considered. Nutrition and reproduction are our two orginal functions, and both our skeleton and our muscles have evolved in the process of time to protect and minister to these primary activities. According to science the body has its inception in a single microscopic cell ·of living matter which is capable ?f rapid and repeated multiplication. This protoplasm Is soft, jelly-like matter which builds cells that divide up into different classes, among them being the bone-cells which begin to build the framework of ~he human body long before a child is born. There IS a cartilaginous structure to begin with. Later on the lime salts which have been taken into the blood with the digested food are extracted and used in bone– formation. The importance of the bone cells may be partly understood from the statement made by Sir Arthur Keith that there are two millions of them at work in the 89