Why? The Science of Athletics

HUMAN MECHANISM In the human foot there are as many muscles as there are in the human hand, and I have seen not a few great athletes who had no difficulty in picking up really heavy articles with their toes and who could make prehensile movements, although of course to a lesser degree than with the hand. It has been submitted by knowledgeable athletic authorities that there is something in the construction of the heel of both negroes and Japanese, the two races that have produced the highest percentage of the world's best jumpers, which gives those people additional spring– ing power which is seldom possessed by a white person. That theory may or may not be correct, at present it remains unproven. What is certain is that there exists in Central Africa at least one race of natives-the Watuessi-which produces jumpers who can with ease clear a cross bar raised more than 8 ft. above the ground, their take-off being from a mound raised 6 to 8 ins. above ground level. Apart from such other considerations as, obvio1.1sly, there must be, the efficiency of these native high jumpers probably owes much to the fact that Nature and natural environment, without the cramping and distorting engines of civilization in the shape of ill-made and badly fitting footwear, have allowed the feet full play for development and growth, so that flexibility and spring have been retained unimpaired. Now let us see why the preservation in their proper 'relationship of the structures of the foot is so important. In the first place, the arches of the foot are largely res– ponsible for the well-being of the whole limb ; if there is any defect which lowers the arch, a reaction is set up and the whole skeleton is "thrown out of true". If both feet are affected the reaction is greater. Carriage and balance are altered ; the whole bony framework and the muscles have to adapt themselves to a com– pensatory position and the natural curves and contours are thrown into disorder. The pernicious effect upon the internal organs is obvious. The alteration in their