Coaching and Care of Athletes

ILLUSTRATIONS DIAGRAMS PAGE THREE WEEKs' TRAINING AND CoMPETITION GRAPH AND WEIGHT CHART I 45 THREE METHODS OF BATON-HOLDING 267 THE SHUTTLE HURDLES RELAY 276 THE jAVELIN THROW (CoMsToCK STYLE) 387 THE jAVELIN THROW (FINNISH STYLE) 388 THE jAVELIN HAND- HOLD 389 FooTWORK FOR THE SHoT PuT 404 FOOTWORK FOR THE HAMMER THROW 423 COMPARATIVE TURN-EFFORT DISTRIBUTION 424 FooTwORK FOR THE Discus THROW 434 All the illustrations in this book are copyright. The author wishes to thank all those who have kindly given permission for the use of photographs, and especially Captain T. Tod, R .A ., for the hammer-throwing pictures.