Manual of British Rural Sports by Stonehenge 17th Edition

AMATEUR WALKING. 623 Further Details op AmateurWalking Perfc rmances. 1 This time was made by Murray athe New,York A.C.'s October Meeting, 1883, on a track measuring 6 laps to the mile. The first quarter occupied Ira. 26Js.; half-mile, 3m. 5|s.; and three-quarters, 4m.48s. Best English record, 6m. 34js., by H. Whyatt, BirmiDgham, July 14, 1883. s Best English record, 13m. 54Js., by H.Webster, Preston, July 12, 1879. 3Murraystarted at scratch in a mile handicap at the Manhattan A.C.Meeting, having previously requestedto be allowed to continuewalking for three miles, as hewas in splendid form. He was only thirdin the handicap, but he completed the mile in 6m. 39fs. ; at the end of the second mile his time was13m.59s., and the three miles were walked in the fastest on record Best English time, 21m. 28s., byH. Webster, Southport, August 14, 1880. 4 In a four-miles handicap at the London Athletic ClubMeeting, W.H. Meek, starting from scratch, Rucceeded in lowering the previous best record by 19s. His mile times were—one, 6m. 54s.:two, I 14m.21|s. ; three, 21m. 51fs.; four, 29m. 10s. 5Webster, in the seven-miles walking match at the Amateur Championship Meeting, walked over. 6 Clark covered 7 miles 1318 yards in the hour. Best time made in England, Ih. 4m. 5s., by I J.Pritchard, Birmingham, August 22, 1883. 7 Best times made in England—9 miles, Ih. 12ra. 35s.; 10 miles, Ih. 21m. 33s.; by J. Pritchard, Birmingham,August 22, 1883. 8 Coston, in a thirty-miles walk at the h. A.C. Boxing Day Meeting, held at Stamford Bridge, defeating thirtycompetitors. Squires, who wassecond, completed the distance in 4h.48m. 22s. 9Sinclair, in a fifty-miles match against the previous record, succeeded in walking from eight miles upwards in the then fastest on record. Sinclair's times from eight to thirtymiles havesince been beaten. See notes 6 , 7 , and 8 . 10 On August 26, 1881, Sinclair started to walk 120 miles in twenty-four hours,and succeeded in Bccoraplishing his task with 6m. 57s. to spare. From and including the fifty-first mile allx)revious recordswere beaten, including those made by J. E. Dixon on August 21, 1877, and those by J. B. Gillie, oftheScotch American A.C., at New York,on May 11,1878. Sinclair was absentfrom the truck three times resting in all 57m. 39s. The late Captain R. B. Allardice, 23rd Fusiliers, walked 1000 miles in 1000 consecutive hours, I onesingle mile in each single hour, onNewmarket Heath, between June 1 and July 12 inclusive, 1809, fora bet of 1000 guineas a side, the late Mr.Wedderburn Websterbacking him. Belays of umpires and timekeepers watched him throughout. Captain Allardice was 29| yearsof age, 5ft. lOJin. in height, weighed13st. 41b. at starting, and list, at the finish. GREATEST DISTANCE PERFORMANCE (AMATEUR).