Men of Muscle, and the Highland Games of Scotland, etc.

4 ME.' OF MGSCLE. in the mason line, and consequently had more time for recreation-and cattle stealing. Sheep could also be at– tended to with advantage. Little wars were always on hand, and while the chiefs held council the younger members of the clans must needs do something. Pitch-and toss might suit some tempera– ments, but those wild Highlanders were sure to fancy some– thing where both strength and agility were required. Throwing a piece of rock or fallen tree would come handier than anything else. It can easily be imagined how those young bloods-indifferent whether the older heads decided to join the Lowland Scots in a combined attack upon the English, or only arranged some little trip in the droving line nearer home-passed the time by wrestling with each other; others, again, having a bout with sword and target; while some inventive genius would drag along a lump of a tree and ask his compatriots to try this. They could not putt or throw a tree; what kind of a game would they devise? Someone would hit on the plan of tossing it over, and we can imagine the shout which those wild men would raise to herald the fact, and how the wrestlers and the swordsmen would leave their sport and run to see this novel event. All would gather round and fight with each other to try a toss, each anxious to be first, like children with a new toy. Once the idea was mooted it was sure to become popular with the Highl::tnder::i, and whether the origin of the caber was as described, or in some other way, there can be little doubt but that the Highlanders began it. The caber h::ts remained as distinctly Scottish as the kilt itself. Scotland is but a small speck on the map of the world, yet it is the birth-place and home of this the most romantic of all sports-Highland games. An English racecourse presents a gay and pleasant picture, while in and around the paddock there are unmistakable signs of wealth and beauty. The Engli h gentlewoman is never seen to better advantage