Olympian Field Events

12 THE OLYMPIAN FIELD EVENT ·. spin to the javelin; it will als be seen from the direction of the ey s that good I vation has been given to the weapon in making the thr w. Although the m thod of thr wing has now been fully describ d, th r still r main a number of small but imp rtant p int t b d alt with. B f r the b ginner ays a throw at all h should p nd quit a week on th track improving his printing po~ rs; s v ral short dash s a h day, varying from h enty t fifty yard , sh uld b suffici nt. H hould not attempt t tart from the print r' crouching attitud , but should spring traight int hi strid , running hard and fini hing str no-ly; ind d, ev ry effort should b concentrated upon the final bur t, f r that will be the crucial s c nd when he corn s t th actual throwing. eJ't he mu t learn to judge th run up in such a way that h will always mak th ff rt at xa tly the same di tan fr m th thr wing b ard, landing right up to it with the ri ht foot as th thr w i mpl t d. Having a certain d th r qui it length f th run up, it h uld b mea ur d that n th day f mp tition the tart– ing point may b mark d and a pi c f ' hit pap r put d wn to mark the point from ' hi h the thr w m n , and what may b t rm pia . AI and Finally he mu t m on th right ] g; thi who an b c rtain of xt nt ourse